A large percentage of the male population faces hair loss problems. It is mainly due to Alopecia, this occurs in different degrees. The most common is usually baldness in men and can begin even at a very young age. But how can Scalp Micropigmentation or SMP help us?

Hair loss in the male population is associated with a physiological process that does not stop once it begins. In this sense, this process is accompanied by resignation, loss of confidence and self-esteem of the individual. However, micropigmentation of the scalp represents a solution for the treatment of hair loss..

To achieve a hyper-realistic and natural visual effect en Level SMP by Freddy hacemos énfasis en el diseño de las líneas frontales. Este aspecto es muy importante de la micropigmentación capilar para hombres porque en base a ello se definen y acentúan los rasgos faciales. Naturalmente, se pueden crear varios tipos, pero en base a los gustos del cliente los más solicitados son:

•              Broken line: It is a design that will give us an effect that it is not perfect, they are lines or small points that are uneven. So with a broken line effect the client will see a deformity that makes it more natural.

•              Defined line: it consists of a design where small points will go very close to each other, which makes a very defined front line appear. This style is very popular in the US and Latin American countries.

•              Faded line: It is one of the most requested effects in Spain. Here the line starts out very smooth and then starts to draw backwards. Its effect seems to be being lost, there is not a very marked beginning, but it is so real that you do not know where it begins or where it ends.

It should be noted that if a man is planning another treatment for hair loss, micropigmentation is not contraindicatedOn the contrary, there are those who apply, for example, hair implants in conjunction with this technique, achieving a very beneficial combination.

Taking this information into account, you only have to attend a consultation where we will take the necessary time to analyze your situation and present the most favorable solution for you. After all, we are talking about your well-being and for us that comes first.



Get the results you want with Level SMP By Freddy, the leading micropigmentation and microblading expert in New York